


“在我们的客户那里,碎纸机通常不间断地工作很长一段时间,”Vecoplan AG“工业碎纸机”开发负责人马丁·巴尔德斯说。欧宝平台正规吗例如,这些机器可以为水泥厂的燃烧炉准备材料,或者有效地粉碎由塑料、金属和复合材料制成的销售包装,这些包装是用黄色袋子收集的,还有家庭垃圾。“在新的VRZ系列粉碎机的开发过程中,我们非常重视使其坚固耐用,抗侵入性材料,可靠和低维护,”Baldus解释说。这就是为什么开发人员没有为转子配备切割工具,而是配备了镰刀形的开膛齿。这些撕开的材料- VRZ甚至可以处理可靠的电线包裹包。因此,这台功能强大的机器也适用于废木材的再加工,例如用于有效地粉碎根捆或整块木板和横梁,这些木材通常含有钉子等不稳定材料。对于转子,Vecoplan采用了动态、高扭矩、快速启动的HiTorc驱动器。这些没有机械部件,如皮带,离合器或液压单元。这意味着他们需要很少的维护-不像液压驱动。更重要的是:由于需要推动的质量更少,它们实现了高水平的效率。 Operators therefore enjoy considerable energy savings. The drives, which have a capacity of 2 x 138 kilowatts, are completely insensitive to tramp materials. They are also very dynamic, thereby improving start-up and reversing behaviour. This means that the VRZ is also suitable for tough, difficult materials. “During the development phase, it was important for us to keep the operating and maintenance costs for plant operators as low as possible,” says Baldus. “Components such as wear-resistant and replaceable sealing elements at the rotor and side wall prevent materials from becoming lodged between the front surface of the rotor and the machine housing, for example. What is more: The optimised machine design means that the cutting frame and rotors can be replaced quickly. This means that time-consuming maintenance work such as reinforcing welding work can be performed outside of the machine. This considerably reduces downtimes. “Our new VRZ is designed to remain operational for as long as possible – even if wear does occur,” promises the expert from Vecoplan.



VRZ -一个真正的开膛手,艰苦的连续操作在回收和废物处理厂
