

欧宝平台正规吗Vecoplan AG为各种材料提供切碎,筛选,加药和输送解决方案,包括塑料,二手木材,废木材,文件和数据存储介质。然后,高质量的产出可以循环利用。Vecoplan设计了连续运行的机械和系统。然而,零件可能会磨损,机器可能会故障,必须进行现代化改造。Vecoplan的服务可确保其系统在整个工作周期内保持正常运行。除了为每个客户量身定制的更换部件和维护包外,该公司还提供工业4.0服务工具。

建立良好的制造商-客户关系的关键是什么?Vecoplan服务/零部件部门主管马库斯•克劳迪(Markus Claudy)表示:“答案很明确:信任。该公司总部位于德国西部瓦尔德州的巴德·马里恩贝格(Bad Marienberg),开发、生产和销售用于粉碎、输送和加工生产和回收的初级和次级原材料的机械。这些材料包括固体、坚韧或耐高温的工程塑料,经过加工后必须均匀且无多余物质的预先切碎的生物质,以及用于水泥工业的替代燃料的公共垃圾填埋场的废料。“我们在内部技术中心调整机器以适应客户的应用,”克劳迪解释说。“我们安装它们,调试它们,并确保它们在整个使用寿命内可靠运行。”Vecoplan为用户提供各种合同约定的服务计划,可以为他们的应用程序定制。与木材/生物质和回收/废物部门一样,服务/零件部门在Vecoplan扮演着重要的角色。Markus Claudy的30名员工团队在调试之外为客户提供支持。“防止故障和机器停机只是我们售后服务的任务之一,”他解释道。 “Our customers often also have to modify their machinery in accordance with changed production conditions or to increase its capacity.”


如果用户的系统突然关闭怎么办?克劳迪说:“我们的热线是全年每天24小时开放的。“我们会立即通过电话提供帮助。”Vecoplan的技术人员首先尝试通过远程诊断来纠正问题。在许多情况下,系统可以很快恢复联机。此外,为了防止故障再次发生,还确定了故障的原因。但并不是所有的错误都可以通过电话解决。“在这种情况下,我们会派一名同事去客户那里解决问题,以防止延长停机时间。在一些国家,如英国,我们会将这项工作交给我们的授权服务合作伙伴。”Vecoplan的Live Service是一种更具成本效益的选择。用户可以在世界任何地方请求直接在线支持。 Vecoplan’s experts can access the controller or the control panel and identify, analyse and eliminate errors in real time. Live images can be transmitted via web cams and complex technical issues can be explained using chat or video/teleconference technology. “Moreover, relevant data and documents can be called up online,” explains Claudy. “All the service measures are also listed. Users are reminded in good time when maintenance activities are due.” To increase the user-friendliness Vecoplan has also developed a service app so that customers can send their enquiries via smartphone. It can be downloaded free of charge for iOS and Android. Thanks to the Live Service link, all data relevant to the machine components, such as filling level, speeds, operating hours, drives and current consumption, are displayed on the customer’s smartphone or tablet. This gives the responsible plant superintendent or works manager an overview of the system functions, enabling him to monitor them and take action in good time. The application can also be used without the Live Service package. Customers can respond immediately in the event of operating faults and trigger a request without delay. “We also offer virtual reality headsets,” says Claudy. “When an employee uses one, our service engineer can display all the relevant information in the employee’s visual field.” The employee has both hands free to follow the expert’s instructions. Thanks to this service tool, Vecoplan’s maintenance personnel need to make fewer site visits. This cuts costs and saves time.


Vecoplan还帮助客户满足不断增长的容量需求。它的专家从头到尾改造现有的机器。除了从更高的操作可靠性中受益,用户还可以改进他们的流程并将风险降至最低。克劳迪说:“例如,我们为客户升级了VAZ 2500t再粉碎机,使其在消耗相同电量的情况下将吞吐量提高了一倍。”“更重要的是,输出材料更加均匀。”该用户是一个工业废物处理机,为发电厂、水泥厂和石灰厂生产高热值的垃圾衍生燃料。材料的质量得到了改善,尽量减少了过度长度在重新切碎。该客户还希望提高其产能,从最初的每小时4.5至5吨提高到每小时8吨。克劳迪说:“我们用w型转子取代了u型转子,这更适合这种材料。”“在这个项目中,我们负责总体规划、项目管理、安装和调试。 We also provided proof of performance.”





